Archive for 2009/07

Potpourri - 5:17PM, 2009/07/23

I just spent a car ride composing a post, but of course as usual by the time I get to a place where I could write it down, it’s all slipped away again. Perhaps if I start writing some of what I’d intended to include will come back.

Ah yes. My favorite radio station, 98.5, is changing its frequency. Why? A convoluted and only sort of logical shuffling of stations because apparently Boston was in desperate need of another radio station devoted to sports.

Speaking of sports, my mom won a contest and now my brothers are going to have breakfast with Jonathan Papelbon. I’m not jealous, exactly, because it’s not like I could go or it’s even the sort of event that I would enjoy if I could, but… maybe I am, a little. Because I can’t go.

I’ve been doing hardly anything worth reporting on, frankly. Barely any books read recently — or even tv of interest watched. I’m not sure where all the time has been going. Probably to random web surfing of the most incredibly useless sort. Some of it has been going to school, but fortunately that is pretty much done for the summer so I now have a month free of the nagging guilt that I have an assignment coming due.

Instead I just have the nagging guilt of other projects that I haven’t completed yet. Foremost of that are my Tripletake reviews, where I’m behind on June and July. As I have the past few weekends, I plan to make a push over the next few days and get finished. Because I really do want to start my Vorkosigan reread! Though in point of fact, now that LMB has announced that the next Miles book, currently to-be-titled Cryoburn, will be out in November-ish 2010, I’ve been wondering if I shouldn’t attempt to coordinate that better.